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Regulations of CPPIA


Chapter 1. General Principles
Article 1. China Plastics Processing Industry Association(CPPIA) is an industrial organization in the field of plastics processing industry in China, it is a nationwide, industrial, non-profit social organization that is voluntarily composed of enterprises, institutions, social groups, scientific research institutes, universities and colleges and individuals engaging in the plastics processing industry and related industry. CPPIA possesses the status of a legal person.
Article 2. The objectives of CPPIA: abide by the constitutions, laws and regulations, implement relevant state guidelines and policies, respect social morality, report requirements of the industry, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the members, guide and promote the healthy and sustainable development of plastics processing industry, provide good services for the members, whole industry and government.
Article 3. CPPIA accepts the supervision and management of the professional authorities including the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the department which is responsible for registration and management of social organizations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Article 4. CPPIA is located in Beijing.
Chapter 2. Scope of Business
Article 6.Fundamental Business of CPPIA :
1. Reflect ideas of the industry, study the industrial development trends, assist to work out the industrial development programs, coordinate the relations inside and outside the industry.
2. CPPIA is the bridge between the members and the government departments. Represent the interest of members, reflect the ideas and requests of the companies to the government, promote the development of the industry, and safeguard the security of the industry.
3. Make investigations, participate in the decisions on the development of the industry, reflect the related problems of the industry and the requirements of members, moderate the relationship of members, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the industry and members.
4.Authorized and entrusted by the government departments, participating in developing industry programs, preliminarily demonstrating important technical reconstruction and introduction, investment and development projects of the industry.
5. Implement self-regulating administration of the industry, create and supervise the implementation of the regulations and rules of industry, standardize the industry behavior, coordinate the price disputes of the colleagues, sustain fair competition. 
6. Assist the government departments to do a good job in product quality management and standardization, participate in setting and modifying national and industry standards, organize implementation and supervision.
7.With approval of government department, participating in supervision of the producing technology, issuance of the production certificate and operation certificate and review of the qualifications. Promote the implementation of brand strategy, fight against counterfeit and defective products. 
8. Participate in the construction of related product markets, develop industry and public welfare undertaking, promote and cultivate the construction of characteristic region of the plastics industry.
9. Participate in the evaluations of the achievements of the scientific and technological projects, expand the application of new processes, new techniques, new equipments and new products, take in appraisal of the scientific and technological achievements by the organization entrusted by the government departments, enhance the technological innovation capability and promote environment protection and energy-saving work of the industry.
10. Promote the environment protection and energy-saving work inside the industry and guide the industry to play a part in construction of circular economy and resource-economized society.
11. Widely organize and strengthen economic and technological exchanges and cooperation inside and outside the industry domestically and internationally, organize exhibitions and fairs inside and outside China due to the delegation of the government departments or the development needs of market and industry, participate in international conferences and investigation activities at home and abroad.
12. Authorized by government to carry out industrial statistics, collect, analyze and release industrial information.
13. Organize the training of personnel, technique and career, compose the teaching materials, recommend going abroad for advanced study, invite foreign experts to give lectures in China.
14. Organize CPPIA to publish various kinds of periodical, supply information and offer consultation service.
15. Coordinate the relationship inside and outside the industry to push forward the reforms of the enterprises and also promote their integration and development.
16. Accept the other tasks entrusted by the government departments.
Chapter 3. Membership

Article7. The members of CPPIA include corporate members and individual members.
Corporate members: All the enterprises with a certain scale and institutions, scientific research institutes, universities and colleges and social groups that have the status of legal person and are involved in plastics processing industry in China, can become the corporate members of CPPIA after being approved. The representative of corporate member should be its legal representative or client.
Individual members: People who have made great contributions to the development of plastics processing industry of China and who can affect and represent a great many people can be approved to be the individual members of CPPIA.
Article 8. Requirements of Applying for Members of CPPIA
1. Support the regulations of CPPIA.
2. Wish to join CPPIA.
3. Have a certain influence on the business of CPPIA.
Article 9. Membership Procedures
1. Submit membership application sheet of CPPIA.
2. Examined and approved by the council and permanent council according to the requirements of the members.
3. The council or the secretariat authorized by the council presents certificates to new members.
Article 10. Rights of Members
1. Right to vote and to be voted.
2. Right to take part in the activities organized by CPPIA.
3. Right to make suggestions and criticisms on the work of CPPIA.
4. Right to take priority of participating in the activities organized by CPPIA and enjoying preferential treatment.
5. Right to obtain training and consulting services offered by CPPIA to the members as well as the periodicals and reference materials.
6. The member units, whose products meet the standards, have the right to advertise legally in the name of the member unit of CPPIA to advertise qualified products and scientific and technological achievements without detriment to the interests and benefits of CPPIA.
7. Right to apply to CPPIA for technical assistance.
8. Right to apply to CPPIA for protecting its legal rights against infringement. 
9. Right to join or quit membership voluntarily.
Article 11 .Obligations of Members
1. Observe the regulations and carry out the resolutions of CPPIA.
2. Protect the legal rights and interests of CPPIA.
3. Finish the work assigned by CPPIA.
4. Pay membership dues on schedule according to the rules of CPPIA.
5. Report the situation and offer the reference materials to CPPIA.
6. Register membership periodically. 
Article 12. Members who want to withdraw membership should write and return the membership card to CPPIA.
Generally speaking, it is regarded as voluntary withdrawal from CPPIA without paying membership dues in two years in the absence of exceptional circumstances.
Article 13.Any members who have infringed the regulations seriously will be expelled according to the voting results of the council or the permanent council.
Chapter 4 Appointment and Dismissal of Organizational Structure and Leaders
Article 14. The supreme power organ of CPPIA is the members' congress. The functions and powers of the members' congress: 
1. Draw up and revise the regulations.
2. Elect and remove the council of CPPIA.
3. Deliberate on the work report and financial report made by the council.
4. Formulate and revise the standard of membership dues.
5. Deliberate and handle the representatives’ proposal.
6. Decide on what should be terminated.
7.Determine other important things.
Article 15. The members' congress can be held only when more than two-thirds of the members’ representatives are present, the resolutions will become effective only when more than 50% votes of the members’ representatives attending the congress approve them.
Article 16. The members' congress is held every five years. General elections can be brought forward or postponed due to special reasons only when the council has approved it by voting, and a written notice should be given to the competent authority for review and the permission of the organization management authority is necessary. General elections can be postponed by one year at most.
Article 17. The council is the executive organ of the members' congress, it performs the daily work during the prorogation of the members' congress and is responsible for the members' congress.

Article 18. Functions and Powers of the Council:
1. Carry out the resolutions of the members' congress.
2. Elect and remove president, vice president, general secretary and executive director of the council.
3. Prepare to convene the members' congress.
4. Report the work and financial condition to the members' congress.
5. Determine the absorption and delisting of the members.
6. Determine the establishment, cancellation and rechristen of the administrative offices, branch offices, representative offices and entity bodies.
7. Determine the recruitment of deputy general secretary and leaders of the organizations.
8. Lead the subsidiary organs to develop activities.
9. Draw up the internal management regulations.
10. Determine the establishment of honorary position and its candidate.
11. Determine other important things.
Article 19. The meetings of the council can be held only when two-thirds of the directors are present, and the resolutions can become effective only when more than 50% votes of the directors attending the meeting approve them.
Article 20. The council should hold meeting at least one time a year, under extraordinary circumstances, they may be convened by means of communication. 
Article 21. CPPIA sets up the standing council. The standing council was elected by the council, it performs the functions and powers of article 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and article 9 and is responsible for the council. The numbers of executive directors should not exceed one third of the numbers of the directors.
Article 22. The meetings of the standing council can be held only when two-thirds of the executive directors are present, and the resolutions can become effective only when more than two-thirds votes of the directors attending the meeting approve them.
Article 23. The standing council should hold meeting at least one time half a year, under extraordinary circumstances, they may be convened by means of communication. 
Article 24.Requirments of President, Vice President and General Secretary of CPPIA:
1. Adhere to the party's line, guidelines and policies, and possess good political quality.
2. Have much influence to the business of the organization.
3. The maximum service age is no more than 70 years, general secretary works full-time.
4. Enjoy good health and be able to adhere to work properly.
5. Never be criminally punished by depriving political rights.
6. Have a complete civil capacity.
Article 25.The president, vice president and general secretary of CPPIA should process resignation procedures if their age exceeds the maximum service age.
Article 26.The term of office of president, vice president and general secretary of CPPIA is 5 years and reappointment should not exceed two periods.
Article 27.The president of CPPIA is the legal representative, under special circumstances, the vice president can hold the post of legal representative after having been entrusted by the president and passed by the council, reported to the professional authority and been approved by registration authority. The legal representative signs important documents on the behalf of CPPIA. 
The legal representative of CPPIA should not hold the position of the legal representative of other association. 
Article 28.Functions and Powers of the President of CPPIA:
1. Call and preside over the meetings of the council and the standing council.
2. Supervise the implementation of the resolutions of the members’ congresses, the council and the standing council.
Article 29.Functions and Powers of the General Secretary of CPPIA :
1. Take charge of the daily work of the administrative offices, organize the implement of the annual plan.
2. Coordinate the progress of the work of branch offices, representative offices and entity bodies.
3. Nominate the candidates for deputy secretary-general and the leaders of different institutions, and submit them to the council or the standing council for decision.
4. Determine the recruitment of the full-time staff of administrative offices, representative offices and entity bodies.
5. Deal with other daily work. 
Chapter 5 Principles of Asset Management and Disposal 
Article 30. Sources of Funds of CPPIA:
1. Membership dues.
2. Donations.
3. Government aid.
4. Earn revenues through carrying out the activities and services within the approved scope of the business.
5. Interests.
6. Other lawful incomes.
Article 31. Charge membership dues in accordance with relevant provisions of the state.
Article 32.Funds must be used to develop the business and career in accordance with the regulations of CPPIA instead of distributing it among members. 
Article 33.CPPIA has established rigid financial management regulations, guaranteeing that the accounting information is legitimate, true, accurate and integrated. 
Article 34. CPPIA has accountants with professional qualifications, and the accountants shall not be part-time cashiers. The accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision. Accounting personnel who will transfer to other work or leave their posts must finalize the handing-over procedure with the person who are about to take over their work. 
Article 35. Asset management of CPPIA must implement the financial management rules prescribed by the state and accept the supervision of the members' congress and financial departments. Those assets that originated from government appropriation or social donation and sponsorship must be subject to supervision of the auditing agency, and relevant information should be announced to the public in a suitable form. 
Article 36. CPPIA must accept financial audits organized by the audit institution which has been approved by the registration authority of organization and the professional authority before changing personnel and legal representative. 
Article 37. Any corporate or individual is prohibited from encroaching upon, pocketing or embezzling assets of CPPIA. 
Article 38.The salary, insurance and benefits of full-time staff of CPPIA refer to the relevant Chinese regulations on institutions. 
Chapter 6, Management of Branches
Article 39. The branches of CPPIA is led by the council, formulating the management measures of branches and developing activities according to law.
Chapter 7 Modifying Procedures of the Regulations
Article 40. Modification of the regulations of CPPIA shall be reported to the members' congress for deliberation after it has been passed by the council.
Article 41. The modified regulations of CPPIA should be reported to the professional authority for checking within fifteen days after the members' congress, with agreement of the professional authority, the modified regulations will become effective when they have been reported to the department which is responsible for registration of organizations for approval. 
Chapter 8 Termination Procedure and Disposal of Property after Termination 
Article 42.When the purpose of CPPIA has been completed or it is going to dissolve automatically or need to be cancelled due to the division or merger, the council or the standing council will propose termination motion. 
Article 43. The termination motion of CPPIA should be passed by the members' congress, and report it to the professional authority for review and approval.
Article 44. Liquidation organization should be founded with the guidance of the professional authority and related institutions before the termination of CPPIA, clearing the claims and debts, dealing with the aftermath. During the liquidation period, other activities should not been held.
Article 45. CPPIA shall be terminated after going through the formalities of canceling registration at the department which is responsible for registration and management of organizations. 
Article 46. The remaining assets after the termination will be used to develop the career concerning the aim of CPPIA under the supervision of the professional authority and the department which is responsible for registration and management of social organizations. 
Chapter 9 Supplementary Articles 
Article 47. The regulations have been passed in the sixth members' congress held in May 16, 2011.
Article 48. The right to explain the regulations belongs to the council of CPPIA. 
Article 49. The regulations will become effective from the date of being approved by the department which is responsible for registration and management of social organizations. 
